Management Tips To Ensure That Your Good Employees Stay

Management Tips To Ensure That Your Good Employees StayIt is difficult to put a value on maintaining a team of loyal, experienced workers, particularly in the present climate of skills shortages and the looming exit of experienced baby boomers. However most employers would agree that good staff are priceless. So, how do you keep good employees satisfied enough to want to stay in your business?

  • Have strong core values which demonstrate that you value long-term relationships with both employees and clients
  • Ensure there is a two-way street of dignity, trust and respect between management and employees|
  • Encourage open two way communication; listen; and back up talk with action
  • Nurture a sense of ‘community’ and connection amongst staff
  • Provide higher than average benefits
  • Build a transparent culture
  • Recognise both work and life events
  • Encourage and support ongoing education and personal growth
  • Encourage a collaborative atmosphere and involve employees in the planning and feedback process
  • Empower by encouraging self-reliance and accountability
  • Be sensitive to individual employee needs and lifestyle; foster a good work/life balance
  • Consider creating an ‘employee care’ program tailored to the needs of your employees

Guest Author:

NSW Business Chamber.

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