Major Re-Launch Coming Soon…

IIDM LogoAs a valued reader of the CEO People Management Blog, we’d like to share with you some exciting news – the CEO Online website will soon be re-launched with a new focus and name, to…

The International Institute of Directors & Managers (IIDM)

Why The Change?

Why the change?

CEO Online has been in operation since 2000, and celebrates its 13th birthday this year. During this time, CEO Online has develped an extensive resource library, utilising its worldwide networks to bring business leaders around the globe the best in timely, relevant professional development resources.

CEO Online has made these resources available … but not provided a program that they fit within.

We asked if you wanted more formal learning opportunities in our last Member Survey, and the response was an overwhelming – “YES!”

Therefore, moving forward, IIDM will provide both formal and informal executive education options through a variety of mediums, in a number of formats.

IIDM CPD will bring together resources on the website in topic specific units, and will also list online or onsite courses that can take your professional development journey to even greater heights.

Why Not Just Add This As An Option? Why Change The Name?

IIDM has actually been around for a number of years already sharing space on CEO Online.

With the introduction of Certified CEO – a global certification for CEOs offered by The CEO Institute (of which CEO Online is an associate company) – it was IIDM’s time to shine, as the certification criteria requires a commitment to CPD through membership of IIDM. So the decision was made to give IIDM its own space, whilst keeping the business resources of CEO Online as a library within IIDM.

We believe that this is the way of the future – and we believe that you will too.

What To Expect – Overview Of ChangesChange Ahead

Here’s what’s in store for the IIDM website of the future:

  • Our web address will change to – (Existing links will be redirected)
  • Removal of the Top Thinking section – but not the content:
  • Top CEO Issues will move to e-Learning
  • Top Business Tips will move to Case Studies
  • Global Research will be posted on our Social Networks
  • Re-naming the Certified CEO section to the IIDM CPD section, where members can:
  •  Participate in a continuous professional development (CPD) program
  •  Utilise resources on IIDM or discover online or onsite courses offered by Certified CEO Educational Partners
  • Track their CPD progress through Self-Assessment Reporting
  • Reducing the number of Expert Talk & Case Studies categories from 18 to 8 to allow for easier navigation
  • The Expert Talk and Case Studies sections will only be available to members with login details

We’re excited to be bringing you even more ways to develop professionally in the future…

Welcome to IIDM

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